One of the later articles on this incident has an elder from the congregation claiming that Holt was only 'an occassional meeting attendee' so they started doing the typical CYA PR. But in a private e-mail that was passed on from a brother in another congregation that knew Whitney and her husband, he claims that Holt WAS a JW in their congregation and that the 2 couples were friends. We may never know unless someone from that actual Kingdom Hall comes forward
Newly Enlightened
JoinedPosts by Newly Enlightened
JW Tragic murder was by JW
by snare&racket in
how sad......
holding off on my baptism???
by madcow78596 inso i've been studying with jws since april 2011.
1 year later i decide to become an unbaptized publisher and take steps toward dedicating myself to jehovah.
i'm a single working mother of 2 with what i will call a very "colored" past.
Newly Enlightened
I don't mean to scare you, but ask anyone on here and they will agree that what I'm about to say is true.
I was a JW for my entire life. Things are different now than they were in the 70's [Yes, I'm aging myself- I'm of the 1975 generation ]
They are nice and sweet until the minute you are baptized {Which of course if you look on pg 215 of the 'Organized to Jehovah's Will' book the 2 questions there] You are getting baptized TO THE ORGANIZATION NOT Jehovah, Jesus & the holy spirit thru the bible Like I did in 1979.
But the minute you become one of Jehovah's Witnesses they turn and immediately start telling you what to wear, what to think, what kind of medical care you can get, the elders words are law, and in the past, even what you and your mate can or cannot do in the bedroom, who you can associate with. PLEASE read Raymond Franz's book Crisis of Conscience before you commit yourself . One more thing, there is NO honorable way to get out.
They will ALL shun you the minute you do not follow the program of the Watchtower Society
I've just been 'Outted' by my own sister
by Newly Enlightened ini thought that we could just fade away peacefully, but i guess my mother told my sister that we no longer wanted to be jehovah's witnesses so now all hell is breaking loose.. .
it's a relief tho.
i feel really sad and upset also, because my mom lives with my sister and now has been forbidden from contacting me or vice versa.
Newly Enlightened
Interestingly, whenever my mom has a spiritual question or SHE questions some 'New light' I was the only one she would talk to.
Now my sister has launched a slander attack on Facebook and the JW's are scattering like cockroaches. And this is supposed to be Jehovah's organization? I DON'T THINK SO!
If any current JWs are on this forum and having doubts about the Watchtower Society... FOLLOW YOUR GUT FEELING!!!
It's so nice being on these websites and having real friends
I've just been 'Outted' by my own sister
by Newly Enlightened ini thought that we could just fade away peacefully, but i guess my mother told my sister that we no longer wanted to be jehovah's witnesses so now all hell is breaking loose.. .
it's a relief tho.
i feel really sad and upset also, because my mom lives with my sister and now has been forbidden from contacting me or vice versa.
Newly Enlightened
Thank you all for the great suggestions. My mom is 75 and in good health. She has her own computer but my sis is monitoring her e-mail account. My mom called yesterday and told me that she will contact me if she needs too, but she is going to stay with JW's.
What really pisses me off, is that they accused me of becoming an apostate and disassociating myself. I did NOT write a letter and give it to the elders, so they're basing this only on me saying that I was inactive and quietly wanted to 'fade' away.
Really sad & pathetic of how WTS has all the R&F buffaloed. I really wish that this evil organization would get exposed for who they really are.
I've just been 'Outted' by my own sister
by Newly Enlightened ini thought that we could just fade away peacefully, but i guess my mother told my sister that we no longer wanted to be jehovah's witnesses so now all hell is breaking loose.. .
it's a relief tho.
i feel really sad and upset also, because my mom lives with my sister and now has been forbidden from contacting me or vice versa.
Newly Enlightened
Thank you all. This is where my true friends and family are. It was an Awake article and I have it. Since my daughter has pre-paid legal she is going to call them and ask if we have any recourse. Maybe a nice letter from a lawyer reminding them of the laws we have in this country regarding keeping my mom prisoner in a cult
I did tell my mom the last time I talked to her, that I have a spare room that she can come live with me. But she has decided to stay in CO with the true apostate and stay in the JW org.
I've just been 'Outted' by my own sister
by Newly Enlightened ini thought that we could just fade away peacefully, but i guess my mother told my sister that we no longer wanted to be jehovah's witnesses so now all hell is breaking loose.. .
it's a relief tho.
i feel really sad and upset also, because my mom lives with my sister and now has been forbidden from contacting me or vice versa.
Newly Enlightened
Great idea! And call the local news channel and let them go along
I've just been 'Outted' by my own sister
by Newly Enlightened ini thought that we could just fade away peacefully, but i guess my mother told my sister that we no longer wanted to be jehovah's witnesses so now all hell is breaking loose.. .
it's a relief tho.
i feel really sad and upset also, because my mom lives with my sister and now has been forbidden from contacting me or vice versa.
Newly Enlightened
No, she doesn't. But my daughter suggested it to her. So we'll see. I know alot of you out there have been in this spot and I know its difficult for anyone who was never a JW to understand the mind frelling they do to everyone, so that even your OWN family turns on you like a pack of wolves.
I've just been 'Outted' by my own sister
by Newly Enlightened ini thought that we could just fade away peacefully, but i guess my mother told my sister that we no longer wanted to be jehovah's witnesses so now all hell is breaking loose.. .
it's a relief tho.
i feel really sad and upset also, because my mom lives with my sister and now has been forbidden from contacting me or vice versa.
Newly Enlightened
I thought that we could just fade away peacefully, but I guess my mother told my sister that we no longer wanted to be Jehovah's Witnesses so now all hell is breaking loose.
It's a relief tho. I feel really sad and upset also, because my mom lives with my sister and now has been forbidden from contacting me or vice versa. Just when I was getting my mom to see the real truth within the cult we know as JW's.
Ironic thing about all of this tho, is that my sister's son who was raised JW, but has been reluctant to get baptized is now e-mailing my daughter and asking questions about the real truth behind the WTB$
Is there one scripture you like to show JWs and why ?
by Pterist in2 corinthians 4:4. the wbts like to use 2 corinthians 4:4 frequently.
however, they invariably never complete the section of verse 4, which states "lest they see the radiance of the glorious gospel of christ" .. i ask them what does this mean to them personally ?, my motivation is to draw their attention to exactly what is been hidden by the god of this system of things.
the answer is in verse 6 and 7 "yahweh who said let the light shine out of darkness, has also made the light shine in our hearts to radiate and to make known the glory of god as it shines in the face of christ, however we carry this treasure in vessels of clay, so that this all surpassing power may not be seen as ours, but as gods"!
Newly Enlightened
2 Th 2:11 [So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie] NWT
Then ask them "Have YOU discovered the lie within the WTS yet?"
Do we have an update on how many NEWBIES have joined in 2012 ?
by smiddy ini think with every year their are more and more newbies that identify with this site , would you like to say " hi ", if you have joined in the last 12 months ?.
does anybody have a graph of the numbers of newbies who have joined in say the last 5 years ?.
i think that would be interesting.
Newly Enlightened
4 say HI! in our immediate family